fuji x weekly

the community

submit your recipe

Personal data

Name *
Email *
Instagram link

Recipe data

Name *
Type *
Camera *
Sensor *
Film simulation *
Dynamic range
Color *
Highlight *
Shadow *
Noise reduction
Grain effect
Chrome fx
Chrome fx blue
White Balance *
WB shift blue *
WB shift red *
Exposure compensation *


By clicking Submit you agree that the film simulation recipe is your own creation, that you have the legal rights to the pictures that you are submitting, that you hold any necessary releases (if appropriate), that you give Fuji X Weekly non-exclusive rights to publish the recipe and pictures on the Fuji X Weekly websites and apps without any financial compensation, and that Fuji X Weekly is not responsible for any violations of law that may result from the publication of your images. Please do not submit any inappropriate, distasteful, or illegal photographs.